Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I know that school is probably most people's worst conversation topic.. BUT. Ive been having this discussion for a few days. Home schooling. 

Kids who are home schooled say that they prefer it to school. People say they would like to be home schooled. But the thing is, when you're home schooled, you dont just sit around in your pyjamas, eating, drinking and buggering around all day. You do work. 
But in my view, home schooling isnt that great because: 

  • you cant take subjects like Drama, Consumer Studies, C.A.T, or Art. Basically any physical subject
  • so I guess that would include Biology and Physics
  • you dont make friends and dont develop people's skills
  • your parents can only teach you up to a point. Imagine your mom/dad trying to teach you Matric maths. 
  • in my view, exams and tests wouldnt be formal enough
  • I think you have to re-apply to the course each year
  • the course you do has to be approved. I know in South Africa it has to be approved by the education department
  • you dont get to do sport or cultural activities as a school
  • its a mission to get hold of all your certificates when you finish school
  • some universities are sceptical about home schooling and you have to provide lots of proof of your education 
  • the level of education in the syllabus might not be of the same standard as proper schools in the country
Not only that. My mom was reading me a passage written by a home schooled child in a local news paper. The kid's English was really bad. Like really bad.. 

Yeah, I dont particularly enjoy going to school but, hell, I get to see my friends every day Monday-Friday and I like that. 

I doubt even my dad would be able to teach me Maths. And plus, the syllabus has changed so much from when our parents went to school. 

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree to disagree
    I personally wouldn't mind being homeschooled because it would be cool to do the whole "work at your own pace"
    But I like seeing mates at school.
    But the standard of education is already kak in south Africa, so being homeschooled isn't necessarily a bad thing in that regard. But when you were talking about your parents not being able to teach you, they do have to either get a creditation or you have to get a tutor.
    And you can do all of those subjects (drama only if there is more than 3 of you being homeschooled together.)

    As well as that, in south africa, when you are homeschooled, a school in the area is assigned to watch the quality of your education and if they don't think it's up to scratch they report you.
