Wednesday, March 28, 2012

School Camp 2012

Every year at my school, the grades are sent on bonding tour. Usually we go to places made for this sort of tour but this year, nowhere was available. SO the school decided that my grade (Grade 9) would camp at school. Pitch tents on the field, bring our own food, braai our dinner etc. 

Day 1

First of all we had to pitch our tents. Some of the other girls had their parents pitching their tents besides the fact that we were told that our parents weren't allowed to help. One group's parents took about 30 min to pitch their tent while it took Grace and I about 20 min to pitch ours. 
We went to the Holocaust museum because we're doing world war II in History and this visit was to re-enforce and expand what we have already learned. My tour guide was Jewish and her father escaped from Germany when things started to get bad. The visit was interesting and I learned from it.
We then went back to school and watched a movie called Paper Clips. It was very boring and most of us fell asleep. 
We had to braai our own meat for dinner and Grace braaied for me. I dont think mine was cooked through but oh well. 
Grace and I had a mini jamming session and we found out that our Maths teacher likes Green Day. 

Day 2

We went to the beach with Spirit Of Adventure. First of all my team had to either body board or kayak in the sea. I chose to body board. I was scared of the big waves and I didnt have much fun. I gave my board to someone else and swam instead. It was more fun to swim. Then we had to play soccer which I didnt enjoy because it is really hard to run on the sand. Next up we had to play volley ball. This was fun but the sand was really hot and our feet got burned. Then we played rounders. Before rounders we played touch rugby which I didnt enjoy because I didnt understand how to play. I preferred rounders besides the fact that I was out before I reached home. 
We eventually left early because it was so hot. 
That night a lot of girls were sick. Im not sure if it was a bug or sun stroke. I think I had sun stroke because I got really badly burned. 

Day 3 

We went to the Warwick markets in the middle of town. Grace's dad gave me a lift and we got lost on the way. We eventually arrived half an hour late.
I didnt really enjoy the markets because in the meat market, they had pigs etc that they were cutting up infront of us and I found this really disturbing.
The indian mall was nice.
My day was also uncomfortable because my sun burn was sore. I couldnt wear my bra properly; the straps hurt and the back part made my sun burn burn like hell. 
When we arrived back at school, we had to eat, do a war cry (which made me burst into tears because we had to hold each others shoulders and it hurt my sun burn) and take down our tents. We then thanked our teachers and went home. 


My dad took me to the pharmacy last night and they kind of confirmed that I had sun stroke. 
My sun burn hurts really badly now and I feel like I cant do anything without feeling sore. Im starting to get blisters on my shoulders. I think this is the worst sun burn I have ever had in my life. I couldnt even go to school today cause I cant wear school uniform and I cant carry my bag. 
I think m going to go to school tomorrow but ill have to wear a cotton t shirt under my dress and im not going to take my bag. I think it'll be okay because it's break up day and I doubt we'll do any work. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Would You Call It Photography?

Well I took this picture today and amazingly it turned out okay. I took it with my phone hence the amaz-ed-ness :P 

Its of me and no, I dont generally like taking pix of myself because I am amazingly un-photogenic but yeah.. This hasnt been edited at all.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Most people just listen to music because it has a catchy tune or its a good dance song. 
I listen to the lyrics. 
Here is a list of my favourite lyrics (in no order) 

Give me something to do to kill some time
Take me to that place that I call home
Take away the strains of being lonely
Take me to the tracks at Christie Road
-Christie Road, GD

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
-Wake Me Up When September Ends, GD

One light
One mind
Flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts
-Minority, GD 

Teenagers scare the living shit out of me
They could care less
As long as someone will bleed
So darken your clothes
Or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone
But not me
-Teenagers, MCR

I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay you'll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home
-Famous Last Words, MCR 

Sing it for the boys
Sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it till you're nuts
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world
Sing it for the world 

-Sing, MCR

Those are just a few but I thought I should share


Friday, March 23, 2012

South African-isms

If you ever come to South Africa and or hear two South African people talking to each other, you are likely to hear some of these phrases.

bunny chow: indian delicacy/food
gogga: insect
busy waiting: waiting
veld: field
Kloof: place just past Pinetown in KZN 
bokkie: girl
bakkie: truck
jean pant: jeans
takkies: running shoes
rock up: turn/pitch up
lekker: nice
tsotsi: criminal
jol: party/fun (we went jolling [partying] OR it was a jol [fun])
chow: food
cadenza: chaos
braai: barbecue
dop: alcohol
chune: talk to someone/badmouth someone
dorp: town
larney: up market
robot: traffic light
vuvuzela: long plastic trumpet (be VERY VERY thankful your country does not have these)(some public places actually have bans on them)
padkos: road food (literal translation)
just now: in the near future
now now: almost immediate future
dagga: weed/pot/hashish/gunja/marijuana
tjop: food 

I would add how to pronounce some of these but that would just be a mission. Ask a South African when you next meet one. 
Reading material on these matters and others: Eish, But Is It English 
and The Racist's Guide To People In South Africa

The Racist's Guide takes a dig at all races in SA not just one in particular.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Reply.

Well this is my feedback to Grace's post earlier at school. 
(read it here

Point 5. I have every right to be grumpy. Im sick. Therefore people should be extra nice to me and not make loud noises near me or irritate me. 
Point 6. I really cant stand it when people draw on me. I would have hit her so hard. Just saying.
Point 8. Yes it's Friday tomorrow and then its Grace's party and then its Sunday (dont like Sundays) and then we're on camp for 3 days. And my mom had to pay a-hundred-and-something-rand just for a white PE top cause the school said I have to have one for the first day of camp.
Point 9. Grace, a post is like one of the awesome letters I write you, it cannot be read until finished. Colour, pictures and all.
Point 10 & 11. Limp Bizkit have decided to see how many swear words they can use in one song? And they're going against Green Day with Platypus (I Hate You) ? WOW thats tough man... (The really bad part in Playtpus goes: Dick head, fuck face, cock smoking mother fucking ass hole, dirty twat, waste of semen I hope you die hey!
Hectic hey... 
Well I guess they have competition with F.O.D. (Fuck Off and Die) cause the chorus there goes: You're just a fuck. I cant explain it cause I think you suck. Im taking time to tell you to fuck off and die. 
Point 13. You spelled Shakespeare wrong. Just saying.

Why I Shouldn't Be Writing This Post

1. Im sick
2. Therefore I should be at home
3. Everyone at school is annoying me
4. Mainly because they never shut up and theres this constant buzzing of voices
5. Ive got English after this
6. But I guess thats a plus in a way because we're probably going to watch Romeo and Juliet
7. Apparently there's a nude scene coming up
8. I should be at home listening to MCR
9. And Green Day
10. And all the other music ive got on my computer
11. I should be stealing people's pictures off Tumblr
12. And be checking Twitter
13. And Facebook
14. This post is pointless
15. Grace keeps on trying to read it over my shoulder (---- off Grace)
16. We're missing Geography and Maths after break because we have to go to mass (church)
17. Ill leave this one blank
18. I realised that when I log into my google as me, my google search page changes to the picture of Green Day I made it ages ago
19. My brain cells are friend and I cant think straight
20. I doubt anyone will read this
 Therefore, I should not be writing this post. 

PS Grace, I liked the pic of Billie Joe you posted. 

PPS: the first 4 points all relate to point 1. 

Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars. Drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are. ♥ 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First Understanding

The other day, I made a picture of Green Day my computer wallpaper, not understanding what it meant. I thought it was just a 'shoot they'd done dressed up as pirates. But in context with the cover of Rolling Stone they appeared in, it means a whole lot more.
My dad explained this when I got home from my "girls night out" vibe.

Cool huh? Photo analysing. 
I like it. LOL I also like looking at people's facial expressions in pictures and imaging what they're thinking xD

Gateway Last Night

If my last post made me seem like im on weed, im sorry. It's Grace's keyboard and im sick so my brain cells are fried. 

Yesterday, in the car on our way to Gateway, Grace's step dad was quizzing me on punk rock. His first question was which bands were the first in punk rock. I said the Sex Pistols and someone else. The someone else turned out to be The Ramones. He then played us a Ramones song which was preeeety epic :) 

Anyway, y'know when someone points something out and the you seem to see it like the next day? Well as I was throwing away my chewing gum, I saw that someone had written SEX PISTOLS on the dustbin. HOW WEIRD? 

And of course when I went to try and but The Black Parade by MCR all the shops were closed :| BUT Grace and I did end up seeing 2 4D movies which were epic :) 

PS Grace, I swear to God if you dont upload the pix from this morning I will... I will... Have to think of a fate worse than death

What Happens At Grace's House

1. grace hacks the keyboard XD
2. We make pancakes for breakfast
3. We then go swimming in our pyjamas
4. We attempt to take pictures underwater
5. Then Grace refuses to let you see them
6. You chune some justin bieber retards a your school about why he's a twat
seven. You type the number seven because Grace's laptop is screwed.
8. You watch Hangover 2
9. I die laughing afer Chow says (in Hangover 2)
'For an extra 50 grand, you can keep him and take the fat fuck for free'
10.He means Alan.

Okay well ive decided to ge sick now. (oh yeah is a public holiday today) so my forehead is sore cause my sinuses are blocked :|

One last thing. When I ge a ticklein my throat, only oneof my eyes waters. I.Am.Not.Crying.   

Monday, March 19, 2012

Grace's Imagination/Theories

I have this awesome friend named Grace. We are alike in the fact that we think Justine biebertard is a twat and we like good music. She can also be quite funny when she wants to. I have decided to share a few of her theories/things she imagined


Grace can often be found reciting well known songs in Shakespearian. Like such: 

Let us partake in enjoyment for this beat is ill
I would most like to gallivant upon your dance hall rod

More commonly known as

Let's have some fun this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick


Our camp this year is being held at school. We're all going to sleep on the field in tents. Grace imagined this:

Us (awesome foursome-Tayla, Monique, Grace and myself) sitting in our tent with a weed bomb in the middle and each of us with a joint in the corner of our mouths, playing trippy songs on guitar and generally feeling happy and at peace with the world. 

Of course we are not actually planning on doing this because
a) its illegal
b) we've been in enough trouble this year


In History, our teacher moved us all around. Grace and I were sitting in the front of the classroom and we were moved back a few rows. I was bitching to Grace how I didnt like where I sat now and her theory was:

Grace and I were the only ones who actually contributed to the lessons and the rest of the class were just brain parasites. The teacher moved the brain dead to the front of the classroom to give them a chance to think for once.


Grace imagined this happening at one of our future gigs.

Us leading the (massive) crowd in a war cry: 
*whole audience is screaming*
*epic guitar solo*
*burst into a kick ass song that we wrote*

This morning in Tech, Saskia said to me 
'I heard your band were playing last weekend'
Me: 'What?'
Sas: 'At Church or something'
Me: 'Oh yeah that'
Sas: 'Were you playing, like, your own music?'
Grace: 'No we had to play worship songs'
Sas: 'Oh'

I swear we should try and get a gig somewhere... Only thing is: 
a) We dont have a drummer
b) Grace and Tayla (2nd guitar) are fighting
c) We havent actually learned to playing a song together
d) I dont own a bass guitar (yet) 


Sunday, March 18, 2012


Well seeing as its Sunday and im very bored, I decided that im going to try and explain Afrikaans to foreigners. First of all, Afrikaans is a form of Dutch and generally Afrikaans and Dutch people can understand each other. 

Okay well. Where the hell do I start?

1) a 'J' is pronounced as a 'Y'. Julle is pronounced Yuh-lla
which brings us to 
2) generally an 'E' on the end of a word is pronounced as an 'A'. Hulle is said Huh-lla
3) 'Y' is pronounced 'AY'. Yskas is pronounced Ays-kus
4) 'A' is pronounced 'U'. Kat is said Kut
5) when writing an address, the number comes second so instead of 100 Prospect Hallweg, it'd be written Prospect Hallweg 100
6) a 'W' is said as a 'V'. Weg is said Veg
a 'V' is said as an 'F'. Vrugte is said frugte
7) a 'G' is said the same way a CH is said in German.
8) you rrroll your RRRRs. 
9) You dont go 'op vakansie' (on holiday); you go 'met vakansie' (with holiday) (grammatical and slightly too complicated to explain)  
10) there are no Cs, Xs, Qs or Zs in Afrikaans (unless the word is taken from another language eg. Pizza/Ricotta etc)

Hope ive covered everything... 

OH and also, a deelteken (double dots on an E) does sometimes change the meaning of a word. Hoër means high/higher (depending on context of sentence) but Hoer means prostitute. WHOOPS mistake you dont want to make. 
It also changes how you say a word. Take Voël. Without the deelteken you'd say that 'fool' but with the deelteken, you say it 'foo-ill'
Same with reën. Without the deelteken, you'd say 'reen' but with it, you say 'ree-in'

And a kappie also changes how you say something. Like se and sê. Se you say like 's-ah' but sê you say 's-ehh' 


And also, if there's an accent on a letter or a word Ã©, á, ó like such, it means you emphasise that word. Like if a word is written in italics in English
He was such a naughty boy
Hy was 'n báíé stout seun
Hope that makes sense xD

Friday, March 16, 2012

Okay before I start. Just watched an awesome video of Gerard Way showing some interviewer guy how to do his make up. LOL 
he knows more about make up than I do :P

I was thinking about this story line last night in bed (why do all good things come to you when you cant write them down?) so I havent exactly written it but ive thought about the story line. 


It was about 5:00pm when she entered the emergency unit of the hospital. Her face was tear stained and sweaty and her hair was sticking to her. She was clutching her right arm and blood was seeping through her t shirt. her mother guided her over to the reception and the nurse behind the counter told her where to go. As she started to make her way to one of the emergency rooms, her legs folded under her and she collapsed to the floor. She had fainted. I guess the pain became too much for her. Some nurses hurried along, picked her up and carried her into the nearest available room. It later transpired that she had been hit on the collar bone with a cricket ball during an all girls cricket game.


When I woke up, I was lying on a bed in a brightly lit white room and the pain had magically vanished. I could feel an odd tugging on my right collar bone and it took me some time to realise that I was being stitched up. Once the doctor was finished stitching me, he got an arm brace that supported my arm and strapped around my whole torso. 

I was exhausted when I woke up. I hadnt exactly had the easiest night. My older brother made me sleep with him in his double bed; telling me that I must wake him up if I felt nauseous or in too much pain.
When I eventually got to sleep, I kept waking up every hour. I couldnt get comfortable. My mom had made me put a pillow under my arm to support it and I couldnt sleep on my side like I usually did. By about midnight, the anaesthetic had worn off and my collar bone started to get sore again. Every time I moved it hurt. The doctor had told me that the bone wasnt out of line and the brace was as much as they could do.
I woke up at 5:00am and dozed on and off for about an hour. I was releaved when my mother came in to wake my brother up. I looked at her and said "Will I have to go to school today?" 
She looked at my sweaty face and said "No dear, I dont think you will cope. Stay home today and we'll see how you are tomorrow"

As soon as my parents had left for work and my brother for school, I got my exam pad and pencil case out my school bag and set them on the table. I took a pencil up in my left hand and started to slowly write.
AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE FFF GGG until I filled the whole page with the alphabet, over and over again until my letters began to resemble normal letters. Then I started with simple things. Like my name. I wrote
My name is Alex. I wrote it again and again until it was readable. I carried on writing until my hand felt like it was going to fall off. I had to practice writing with my left hand because I would have this brace on for about 6 weeks. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Judgement Day?

Yesterday I realised that I am a very judgemental person... When I saw Tony Vincent; who's been acting as St Jimmy in Green Day's American Idiot on Broadway, I immediately thought he was gay. Y'know, shaved head, guyliner and painted nails. Then last night, he auditioned on The Voice (TV programme with Christina Agulera as one of the judges) and saw that he is actually married (to a woman) and is expecting a baby. 

Hot right? 

Tony Vincent and Billie Joe Armstrong

I think as humans we are just very judgemental and, of course, because I am not perfect, I too am judgemental and this is just one example. I mean people do it all the time. One example that pisses me off no end is people saying Green Day are gay because they wear guyliner. And because Billie Joe and Tre had sex one-upon-a-time when they were very drunk. Im not so sure they're exactly proud of it... Oh yeah and Billie Joe's kissed Mike and Tre and he also occasionally kisses male fans. BUT this does NOT make him gay! He is married and has been for the past 17 years. He has kids and he loves children and he loves his wife beyond belief. 

Billie and Tre kissed at some thing in France

Billie Joe kissed Mike at one of their shows
Billie kissing a male fan... Looks like some tongue going on there..
Dont lie, I know you're jealous too ;)
Billie Joe and his wife Adrienne

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Memory Like A Sieve

Not even kidding, I have a memory like a freakin' sieve.... Although, I do kind of get Chemistry now... LOL I think researching how to balance Scientific equations and blogging about it did help :)

OH YEAH! Ive got a Gerography test tomorrow on the Millennium Development Goals. The goals are divided up into Social and Economic goals (NB I do stand to be corrected)
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieve universal primary education
3. Promote gender equality and empower women
4. Reduce child mortality rates
5. Maternal health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 
7. Environmental sustainability 
8. Global partnership
(NOTE that was done without reading my Geography notes) 

At School... In Computers... Watching A Video... About Drugs xD

Okay well yes, I am still at school... its now uh... 2:07pm so schools gonna end in about 35 minutes and then ive got Chamber Choir :P Lets hope this week will be better than last and wont end up in a bleeding wrist. Jokes. My wrist didnt bleed. Almost though. Anyway without going into the depths about how and why.

I was talking to my friend Grace earlier and decided to try and explain the gravity bong to her... Epic fail... So I decided to watch this video where Billie Joe Armstrong explains the gravity bong. Its difficult to explain so watch this video to find out:

My favorite part is where Billie Joe says "And the it forces it (the weed-air) into your lungs and then you're completely fucked for a week." 

Okay well  my friends have just decided to start a blog. Lets just hope they dont find my blog. Just saying. Im cool with other people overseas following me :) 

LOL Grace (sitting at the computer next to me) is watching a video caled SomeThing Something Santa you cunt. I dont like the 'C' word but anyway LOL. 

Ive decided (yes another new idea) that I find Amish people interesting. Like the way they live etc. From what I understand, they live with no technology, wear old fashioned clothes, never lie, are God-fearing and well; Grace and I have been debating this. Whether they speak High-Dutch or German.. Grace's step dad recons its High-Dutch but my dad says German... IDK :P 

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Grace just showed me this video and its like "HEY SANTA CLAUSE YOU CUNT WHERES MY FUCKING BIKE???" LMAO!! 

kay im gonna go cuz im getting the feeling someones reading this over my shoulder D: 


Monday, March 12, 2012


Okay well I finished my day at school looking very confused. 
We had Science last lesson and we're doing Chem atm. We're learning how to balance scientific equations. Which, of course, just confused my tiny brain cells further than they were already confused. 

SO I decided to look it up on *drum roll* GOOGLE. 
And anyway, I found this. 

Take a look at the unbalanced equation SnO2 + H2 → Sn + H2O

atoms on the left hand side of the equation and only one on the right hand side. Correct this by putting a coefficient of 2 in front of water:

SnO2 + H2 → Sn + 2 H2O
This puts the hydrogen atoms out of balance. Now there are two hydrogen atoms on the left and four hydrogen atoms on the right. To get four hydrogen atoms on the right, add a coefficient of 2 for the hydrogen gas. Remember, coefficients are multipliers, so if we write 2 H2O it denotes 2x2=4 hydrogen atoms and 2x1=2 oxygen atoms.
SnO2 + 2 H2 → Sn + 2 H2O
The equation is now balanced.
Yes I did just copy and paste that off Google but I understand. Kind of. 
And yes it is an American site but it explains the equations pretty much like how my Science teacher was trying to explain it to me. I hope that when I walk into Science tomorrow, it'll be like a sudden light being turned on; like ill just all-of-a-sudden understand. 
Wishful Thinking. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Is It Just Me Or...

Is it just me or does this pic of Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance look like an emo pic of Daniel Radcliffe? 

I guess Gerard Way isnt that bad looking.. And I dont mind My Chem either. I like Welcome To The Black Parade and Teenagers. Teenagers is amazing. 

I remember my friend was once in love with Gerard Way and I googled him and told her he looked like Billie Joe Armstrong. This was before I was into Green Day.

Its weird cause ive always known about Green Day. Even when I was little. I went to this holiday thing at Church and we all had to say our favourite band and this one girl said Green Day and later on I said to her "Do they sing that song that goes 'Dont wanna be an american idiot!' and she said yes. This was when I was about 8 and then, like.. Ive always known Wake Me Up When September Ends, American Idiot and 21 Guns. And I even knew what Billie Joe looked like. Weird.

Now that ive gone totally off topic.. LOL I cant stop looking at that pic of Gerard Way :P

I bet you half my grade doesnt even know who My Chemical Romance are. Honestly, they say they listen to music!?

My Go At Photography

The rain today presented me with the perfect photography opitunity. 

Here's a few pix I took. 

The stormy sky

My feet in the wet grass

Looking up through a tree

Looking down the drive way to my neighbour's house

Looking through the wires of the washing line to the stormy sky

Rage and Love

My cat Rufous

Looking down the drive way at Rufous

My guitar

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Billie Joe Tells A Story About Adrienne ♥

We’re sittin’ there and all of a sudden I get this phone call and I’m like “hold on one second.” Cuz everyone’s got a fuckin cell phone, right? So I go out in the front and its my wife, Adrienne. And we just—we were making the record for a long time, and so me and Adrienne started fighting on the phone. So I’m fighting the middle of Sunset Blvd and I’m standin’ there like this on the phone and we’re fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting and there’s some traffic going by, usual Sunset Blvd, Hollywood bullshit just going by. And I’m sitting there and all of a sudden, this car comes by with this guy. Four-door car comes driving by and a guy, looks out of the backseat and he says, “FUCK YOU BILLIE JOE. GREEN DAY FUCKIN’ SUCKS.” And its, like, I’m in the middle of this fucking argument with my wife on the phone. So I’m sitting there talking to her on the phone and I go, “Adrienne, hold on a second.” And the car stops in traffic and I go running out to the car, I dive into the backseat of the car, through the window. And I start beating the shit out of this guy. And I’m in there with my phone going “you mother fucker. fuck you! fuck you!” And then the people in the front seat are like “HOLY SHIT, GET THIS FUCKING ASSHOLE OUT OF MY FUCKING CAR.” So I crawl out through the window. And the people at the tattoo shop are going “Fuck yeah, Billie, you don’t fuckin’ take shit from anybody. That’s fuckin’ amazing.” And then I go back in the bar, and everyone’s like “Yeah! Let’s do shots!” And I was like “okay.” So we’re doing shots and I’m like “Brando, this thing just happened to me.” And then I realized, I still had my phone on. And I go “Adrienne, I’m sorry.” And she goes, “I’m sorry too.” And I went, “I love you.” She was like “I love you too. Good night.
Billie Joe Armstrong (via bittermen188)


South African English

Well here in South Africa, we generally learn and speak British English. For instance we say dived instead of dove and we spell colour and behaviour with a u so not color and behavior.

However, when it comes to certain spellings where British english would say put an S and American english says put a Z, either are accepted. As in organise. Organize is also accepted. Same with realise. Realize is also accepted. 

OH another thing is that we generally say mom and not mum like the Brits do.

Its weird cause we generally do things the British way. We speak "British" english and we drive on the left hand side of the road. 
We have American shoe sizing. So I believe. 

I guess the British influence is because we used to be a British colony. Our currency even used to be the Pound  (£) and then we changed to the Rand (R) 

Now I will put you out of your misery by ending this completely useless post. 
Just kidding!
Hope you have learned something about South Africa so that next time you meet a South African, you dont appear entirely ignorant. 

<---- My province and city :'D

Friday, March 9, 2012


Im not sure what your take is on tattoos and im not here to sell my point to you. I like certain tattoos.. I want to get a small cross tattooed on my left hand when im 18. Whether I will or not we will see :P

I decided to do a blog on Green Day's tattoos cause they all have at least one area of ink that I like.
Ill start with Billie Joe as he has the most tattoos.

Billie Joe Armstrong

I like the coloured stars and its quite cool that his left arm is like a block
of colour from just above his wrist to just under his elbow
Right arm. I like the
'all ages' tattoo
A tattoo he got recently on his inner
right forearm.
This is a pic from during
the inking. Hence the blood.

Little heart on his left hand.
Well finger
I want a cross like that
tattooed on my hand
and I like the star too

Closer look at the "block"
of colour
Another view
Left hand. PUNX
Right arm. Looks like a series of
ID photos of his wife, Adrienne

His elder son's name


I like the skull and crossbones on his right arm
Estelle. His elder daughter's name.
He also has a little star like Billie
Closer look at his left arm.

Tre Cool 

Horseshoes and Hand grenades
A TV falling
through a broken
This is a drawing of his actual tattoo
Anchor. I like this tattoo. IDK why :D

Apparently Tre once said he had a tattoo of Mike on his butt. Of course, we're not sure if this is true but knowing Tre, anything is possible.