Saturday, May 19, 2012

The other day...

When I say the other day, it can mean anywhere from literally the other day to weeks ago. So anyway, last week I was having a YouTube sesh and I came across this one "funny" My Chemical Romance video. Okay so parts of it were funny but.

In one part, Gerard (Way) was so drunk he was vomiting in a plant bed:

And Then he was leaning up against a pole and he collapsed into the road:
Then (im  not sure how much later) but the rest of the band walked past and someone helped him up: 

And they took him with them.. I think at one point Frank said "We thought you were dead.."

Afterwards Gerard said "Man I killed so many plants..."

Yeah maybe killing the plants was funny but I sure as hell hope im never so drunk that I vomit and collapse and pass out. 
a) it would be embarrassing
b) who knows what could happen while you're unconscious. 

Im not trying to reprimand Gerard at all because he's a great person but this has just shown me that I never want to be this drunk.

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